The total sum beneath the 'Bodypart' table (on the left) now correctly displays the total sum of the VESplus scores. Before this change, the sum was based on the VES scores (not corrected by percentage repigmentation).
The selected percentage repigmentation is now correctly calculated and displayed. Before this change, the percentage displayed was '100 minus the {correct percentage}'.
This error, luckily, does not have impact on the score that is calculated per bodypart separately.
The scored in the 'Region' table now correctly display the VESplus scores instead of the VES scores. Before this change, the values did not take into account the repigmentation.
12/11/2020: update SAVES
Printable blanc version (template) 'les assailles' changed in 'armpits'
Printable blanc version (template) 'armpits' changed in 'armpit'
14/10/2018: update VES
Arm left and right front and back grade 6 “>75%”: 3.063 (was 3.065)
Arm left and right front and back grade 4 “+”: 1.0938 (was 1.0937
Axilla left and right grade 4 “+”: 0.7813 (was 0.7812)
7/10/2018: update VES
BSA Face upper and lower part grade 1, ¼: 0.00563 (was 0.00562)
4/10/2018: update VES
Axilla left and right grade 2, ½: 0.0625 (was 0.065)
Axilla left and right grade 1, ½: 0.0125 (was 0.012)